An Inescapable Conclusion A Jewish physician named Robert Cohen was so impressed with Ellen White’s dietary advice that he published a book of her teachings, titled God’s Nutritionist: Pearls of Wisdom from Ellen G. White. In the book’s forward, he says, “She was a nutritionist with facts as up-to-date as those found in this morning’s nutrition journals.”The weight of evidence in favor of more plant foods and fewer animal foods in the diet has resulted in many recent changes in mainstream authorities, such as that found in Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans. These guidelines advocate plant-based nutrition by advising us to “choose a variety of grains daily, especially whole grains,” and, “a variety of fruits and vegetables daily.” In addition, we are told to “choose a diet that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and moderate in total fat” and to limit our “intake of sugars.”Science is substantiating what Ellen said more than a century and a half ago — that the healthiest diet is comprised primarily of fruits, nuts, grains, and vegetables.That same inspired source spoke on a myriad of other topics. Relationships, church organization, biblical interpretation, ethics, morality, psychology, parenting, and education are just a few of them. The confirmation of her gift in the areas already cited should give everyone confidence to believe her in areas that can’t be as easily proven by science.Why not take advantage of the benefits of this gift and learn more about the ministry and counsel of Ellen G. White today?Related Topics Discover more about Ellen's health message. Learn about Ellen's education ministry. This is the end of the "Her Ministry" section. Click here to go to the home page. Click here to learn about Ellen's published works.