Her Mission Revealed Ellen’s new picture of God had also been shared by her brother Robert, who would say, “A tree is known by its fruits. What has this belief done for us? It has convinced us that we were not ready for the coming of the Lord; that we must become pure in heart. … It has aroused us to seek for new strength and grace from God.“What has it done for you, Ellen? Would you be what you are now if you had never heard the doctrine of Christ’s soon coming? What hope has it inspired in your heart; what peace, joy, and love has it given you?” For a 17-year-old girl, this melding of her profound religious disappointment with her own deepening Christian experience and with her frail physical condition prepared young Ellen, in late 1844, for her incredible future.In December 1844, Ellen visited four friends in Portland, Maine for prayer, fellowship, and Bible study. During the deeply spiritual gathering, Ellen was overcome with an astonishing vision: “I seemed to be rising higher and higher,” she said, “far above the dark world.” Her mind’s eye opened to see a glorious vision of Jesus leading His people along a straight and narrow path until the sky ignited with myriad of angels and a rainbow-encircled throne.This vision was heaven’s way of bringing courage to these troubled believers, who were so recently crushed with disappointment when Jesus did not come as they expected.As Ellen related the vision to a group of likeminded believers in Portland, Maine, she felt, “an unspeakable awe” that she “should be chosen as the instrument by which God would give light to His people.” Thus began a 70-year ministry that became more significant as the years went by.Related Topics What did others in Ellen's time think about her? What is the Advent movement? This is the end of the "Her Life and Times" section: Click here to return to the home page. Click here to take an in-depth look at Ellen's ministry.