The Health Message Pt. 2 However, the most public impact of her health message was focused on her three basic principles and how her church applied these principles in their practice:1) The work for the suffering and oppressed wherever in the world. Seventh-day Adventists are noted worldwide for their community service organizations that are there in times of natural disasters and emergencies, as well as local food and clothing banks.2) The evangelical principle whereby ministers and medical personnel work together in public gospel meetings, demonstrating the value of joining both health and spiritual issues. The close relationship, this principle of hand and glove, is useful and productive on all continents, among all people.3) The salvation principle emphasizes the close connection between the health of the mind, body, and spirit. Ellen was not hesitant in pointing out the direct relationship between daily habits and character development. She linked good health with moral judgments, a principle that has helped many grateful thousands of readers.Ellen and her husband James were active also promoters of the denomination’s first health institutions. The world-renown Battle Creek Sanitarium was the first of many, from Massachusetts to California, and eventually in many countries worldwide.Today, Adventist Health Systems of hospitals are nationwide, including the prestigious Loma Linda Medical School in California. All this because of Ellen’s remarkable common sense in promoting good health principles. Back to An Inescapable Conclusion